Mum me time – you deserve it!
Now the kids are back at school finally it’s time for some mum me time! You’ve made it through the home schooling, the isolations, the holidays – you need a break!
With school runs to do or organise and an endless round of after school clubs to negotiate, how do you find time for yourself?
Why not make life a bit easier for yourself – label your children’s bottles with out colour bottle bands! You won’t have to keep writing out sticky labels for bottles anymore!
Take time to have a coffee with a friend
You can’t overestimate how good it is to have a chat with a friend – old or new! It’s great to catch up on other people’s news and share yours!

Have a day out
Think of somewhere you really want to go to and get someone else to pick up the kids – you can always return the favour! Whether it’s a day at the shops or a day by the sea, the time to yourself will give you space to regain your equilibrium and give you some valuable mum me time!
Get pampered
It’s a small thing but it really can make you feel better! Get your nails done, a massage or a new hairdo – you’ll definitely feel renewed and ready to face the world!
Even better – have a day at a spa! Go with a friend and make it a day to remember!
Go for a woodland walk
Arrange to go for a peaceful walk with a friend. Enjoy the autumn colours and feel the calming influence of nature as you enjoy drinking in the fresh air. Listen to the birds, take in the sound your footsteps make, take time to look at the detail of leaves, the berries you see, the wildlife. You’ll feel refreshed and relaxed in no time!
Mum me time doesn’t have to cost the earth!
Try meditation
Does life always seem to be spinning really fast? Are you rushing from one thing to the next? You might benefit from learning to meditate – it isn’t easy at first but with practice it will give you some space for inner peace everyday!
For information on meditation have a look here.
Go to a dance class!
Dancing is really good for the soul as well as the body! There are so many types of dance class on offer – even if you don’t think you can dance it’s good to have a go! You might surprise yourself!

Go for a swim!
Swimming gets you away from the buzzing of the phone! Find a quiet time in a local pool and let the water take away your stress! Even if you aren’t a strong swimmer you can still exercise in the water – or you can just float! Swimming is known to be good for the mind and it really can make you feel great!
Don’t forget that mums can label their water bottles too! Bottle note bands are ideal for labelling bottles to take to the gym or the pool!
Go to an art gallery
It’s hard not to come out of an art gallery without feeling calm. Just the minimal decor and the peace of the place is enough even without the paintings! Art can give you the chance to reflect too and give you a sense of perspective on your own life.
Sort out your wardrobe!
The new season is coming up fast and now’s the time to sort through your clothes and bring out your autumn favourites or get some staples that will see you through to the winter! Buy classics rather than fast fashion and hopefully they will last!
Go for a workout!
Whether you like to run, spin or do classes, a workout can make you feel positive, energised and more confident! While the kids are at school take the opportunity to exercise in a way that makes you feel good!
Go to the cinema!
Go and watch a good film with a friend – it can feel decadent during the day and gives you a little bit of escapism!
Try trampolining!
If you have a trampolining centre near you they often run classes for adult fitness. Join one of these and feel a sense of childlike pleasure in the jumping experience!
Sit down with a book or a newspaper!
Even zoning out with a book or paper for half an hour gives you a little break!
Order some Personalised Bottle Bands!
Make naming the kids’ water bottles easy and forget struggling to name them with stickers! Save yourself hassle – the kids will love these too!
You’ll definitely be glad you did – no more lost bottles, no more peeling, faded labels!
Checkout our website for Personalised Bottle Bands and more!
Remember – mum me time is an essential! Enjoy a few hours to yourself!