Finally schools are set to go back and the end seems to be in sight for home schooling! It's just the beginning though for PKS and personalised bottle bands!
All those hours spent in the kitchen helping with maths and literacy, science and history - and those hours put in as the resident IT support person! No more creeping around during zoom lessons - soon there will be freedom to put the kettle on without wails and moans about the noise from your child! No more days timed to the minute as you shout for your child to come in from the garden for the next call, no more racing to get the work done and handed in each day. No more dread in the morning at the thought of doing it all over again! The arguments! The long faces! The frustration! Soon to come to an end we hope…..
Going back to school brings new chaos though - do they still fit the uniform? How do you know when they refuse to try it on? What on earth do you do with their hair? Will the shoes still fit? Do they have a decent bag? Has the school kid you used to have with neat hair and smart clothes turned wild and unruly, taking on the look and attitude of a character from Lord of the Flies? And the dreaded question - is everything properly named?

Personalised bottle bands - a great way to name your kids’ water bottles!
Well here at PKS we can’t help with hair or shoes but we can help you find a way to name your kids’ water bottles! And that’s quite a big help because we know from personal experience how annoying it is to be trying to find ways to label these bottles - and finding that they still get lost or mixed up! So we have personalised bottle labels made from BPA free, food grade silicone to make the job of naming those bottles so much easier! Get your kids’ water bottles clearly named and looking super cool and smart!
Our silicone name bands for bottles don’t just look smart and sassy though - they also make a lot of sense. How many times have you bought a bottle for your child only to find that 4 others in the class have the same one? Even though you write a name on the bottle they still come home with someone else’s - or else don’t come home with one at all! Well, because our bottle bands are colourful and fantastic looking as well as clearly marked with your child’s name, your child’s bottle should be easily recognisable! So fewer mix ups, fewer germs are spread and it’s easier to make sure that a dozen sticky hands don’t touch your child’s bottle!
With the devastation of Covid we are all only too aware of the importance of washing hands and keeping stuff clean - and our personalised bottle labels are a welcome help in this battle! Personalised bottle bands are so easy to put onto the bottle too - just simply stretch to fit, adjust into position - and pop into the school bag!
We’ve introduced a new range of colours for our personalised bottle bands - your child can choose a shade that suits them from soft pastel shades to more vibrant hues. We’ve also developed 3 different fonts so your child can really make the lettering more personal! Plus an extended selection of icons to suit every child from pre-schoolers right up to teenage!
Look on our site and you can even see how your personalisation will look on our visualiser tool. Of course our images are just there to give you a graphic representation of the final look, but your child can really enjoy trying their name with different coloured bands and icons and see which they prefer! It’s a super cool way of seeing how the band will look!

Personalised bottle bands are brilliant for naming kids’ sports bottles!
Does your child enjoy sports? If they do then we all hope that will be starting up again soon too to burn off some of that locked down energy! Sport is great for the mental and physical health and general happiness! With sport comes the need to take a water bottle – and naming that bottle with one of our colour bottle bands makes it really easy to see and grab when refreshment is required!
Your bottle, decorated with your personalised bottle band can go with your child for a splash by the swimming pool, easy to spot even through a pair of misty goggles! It will be a brilliant match for your child’s bottle at the tennis court and it will happily sit on the bench at the football pitch – it’ll even have a try at rugby! So easy to clean, once the games are over you can just pop it into the dishwasher still on the bottle and it will come out as good as new every time!
In the playground your child’s bottle, with its personalised bottle band, will stand out amongst the motley collection of kids’ bottles abandoned in the rush to charge about – and it won’t be left out in the rain! Think about those bottles you see sitting forlornly in the playground when you come to pick up your child, desperate to be claimed….well your child’s bottle won’t be one of those with a PKS personalised bottle label on it! It will be remembered and picked up or returned to your child thanks to its clear naming.